Scientific Biomechanical Team of the OrthoLoad Club

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Duda
Dr. rer. nat. Alwina Bender
Dr. rer. medic. Adam Trepczynski
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Georg Duda
Philipp Damm
Philippe Moewis
Dr. rer. nat.
Alwina Bender
Dr. rer. medic.
Adam Trepczynski
Director of the Julius Wolff Institute. He inspired the foundation of the Orthoload Club and promotes the in vivo load measurements. Research associate at the Julius Wolff Institute with the focus on in vivo measurements with instrumented implants. He is scientific head of the OrthoLoad project and the Orthoload Club. Research associate at the Julius Wolff Institute with the focus on knee kinematic and loading. Research associate at the Julius Wolff Institute with the focus on software developement. She is the adminstrator of the OrthoLoad database. Research associate at the Julius Wolff Institute with the focus on musculo-sceletal simulation.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Bergmann Dr.-Ing. Heide Boeth
PhD Sara Checa Esteban Prof. Dr. biol. hum. Hendrik Schmidt Dipl.-Ing. Jörn Dymke
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Georg Bergmann
Heide Boeth
Prof. Dr. Sara
Checa Esteban
Prof. Dr. biol. hum.
Hendrik Schmidt
Jörn Dymke
Started the in vivo measurements in 1979 and founded the OrthoLoad database. Research associate at the Julius Wolff Institute with the focus on movement analysis. Research associate at the Julius Wolff Institute with the focus on FEM simulation of bone growth. Professor for spine biomechanics at the Julius Wolff Institute with the focus on 3D reconstruction and geometrical modeling. Technical associate at the Julius Wolff Institute with the focus on hardware developement for the in vivo measurements. He supports also the in vivo measurements technically.